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I Am Music

Worship is an attitude of the heart expressed in many ways. It is giving God glory for who he is, what he has done, what he is doing and what he is going to do. The worship services at I AM CENTER INTERNATIONAL  are an opportunity for us to gather corporately to express worship to God as well as to be ministered to by his Spirit through teaching, prayer and fellowship with others. Opportunity is given for this to happen through different forms of communication. A few examples are:

  • Music

  • Audio/visual presentations

  • Times of silent reflection

  • Prayer

  • Preaching

We at the I AM CENTER  INTERNATIONAL  see worship as being an integral part of being a “fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ”. Worship should be part of our lives, not just an activity we do at specific times. As a church family we encourage everyone to live a life of worship and to regularly participate in corporate worship times. You are invited – let’s worship together.

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